

Kevin Fan Hsu is Assistant Director at the Centre for Liveable Cities and Research Fellow at the Digital Planning Lab in URA, Singapore’s land use planning and conservation authority. He works on initiatives related to sustainability, urban planning, climate change, and cultural heritage protection, and co-leads the UrbanPlan training for government officers in Singapore.

He was previously an urban scientist with the Walt Disney Company in Shanghai, focusing on the integration of clean energy systems, mobility, and low-carbon communities, with a human-centered design approach. Kevin has degrees in Civil & Environmental Engineering, Earth Systems and International Relations, all from Stanford University, where he co-founded the Human Cities Initiative. He has taught courses in the Stanford d.school (design school), Urban Studies, and International Policy Studies. He runs an annual public space design bootcamp with collaborators from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong, and Tsinghua University in Beijing, and serves as president of SAPAAC, the Stanford Asian Pacific American alumni club.